- BOG recognizes UNC Charlotte, UNCW professors with Holshouser AwardsCHAPEL HILL (October 22, 2020) – The UNC Board of Governors recognized professors from UNC Charlotte and UNC Wilmington today with the 2019 Governor James E. Holshouser Awards for Excellence in ...Read more
- Small UNC System campuses keep COVID in check(Oct. 6, 2020) – Let’s hear it for the little guys. As several of the UNC System’s largest institutions were forced to quickly shift classes online as the coronavirus erupted on ...Read more
- Pro/Con: COVID testing before a return to campusBy Rachel L. Graham, Ph.D. CHAPEL HILL – The return to campus this fall for undergraduates of the UNC System was not without questions – from students, faculty, staff, support personnel, ...Read more
- Chancellor searches: Deepening or thinning the applicant pool?CHAPEL HILL (Sept. 17, 2020) – The UNC System Board of Governors voted Thursday to give UNC President Peter Hans new power to weigh in on choices of chancellors for ...Read more
- Don’t short-circuit chancellor searches(Sept. 16, 2020) – The President of the UNC System should be able to recommend candidates for chancellor at the System’s 17 institutions. But the President should not be able ...Read more
- Special needs for higher ed in a pandemicRALEIGH (Sept. 2, 2020) – If the last three weeks tell us anything about higher education amid a pandemic, it’s that institutions must be nimble. UNC Chapel Hill, NC State and ...Read more
- Schools seek state’s help to deal with COVID-19RALEIGH (Aug. 25, 2020) – Fluid situations demand flexible funds. That’s what state education leaders asked of a state House committee this week as they sought $350 million to deal with ...Read more
- Rimer: Time to take the off-rampWho makes decisions? Decision-making about whether to reopen a UNC System campus to residential students, especially students in dorms, is a complicated multi-layered process. Whatever choice is made, a good many constituents ...Read more
- Recent grads urge students to ‘Embrace the Weirdness’CHAPEL HILL – Three recent graduates of UNC System schools urge students to “Embrace the Weirdness” and abide by community standard during the pandemic in a lively video produced as ...Read more
- Why bother with a search if outcome is decided?CHAPEL HILL – Why bother with a search if the outcome is predetermined? A proposed change in the rules for chancellor searches that’s before the UNC Board of Governors would direct ...Read more