- Universities: A shifting burdenRALEIGH – Perhaps because it has a constitutional mandate for it, North Carolina is known across the country for strong support of its public universities. The state continues to rank ...Read more
- Video: Dr. Jeff Cox – Health Care Career OptionsDr. Jeff Cox President of Wilkes Community College describes how financially rewarding careers in health care can be.Read more
- Community Colleges: Not keeping upRALEIGH – North Carolina’s community colleges are respected and loved by their communities – 58 colleges spread throughout the state, within a 30-minute drive of 95% of North Carolinians. And they ...Read more
- K-12: Progress, but a long way to goRALEIGH – North Carolina’s spending on K-12 public education took a hit during and after the Great Recession – and it still hasn’t fully recovered. Compared with its neighbors, North Carolina’s ...Read more
- K-12 teacher pay: A widening gap?RALEIGH – A major component in education spending, of course, is teacher pay. A quality teacher can make an enormous difference in a child’s future. North Carolina’s national rank in K-12 ...Read more
- Video: Dr. Jeff Cox – Unique Scholarships in Allegheny CountyDr. Jeff Cox President of Wilkes Community College describes a unique education scholarship opportunity available to students in Allegheny County.Read more
- Where We Stand: Pre-KPre-K Make no mistake, quality pre-kindergarten matters to higher education – it has implications for third-grade reading proficiency, eighth-grade math1 and placing students on a trajectory that leads to a degree ...Read more
- Video: Kristi Gaddis – College “Mindset” in Yadkin CountyIn this video Kristin Gaddis, Executive Director, Student Support Services Yadkin County Schools says the biggest obstacle to motivating first generation college graduates to go to college is “mindset”. Budget cuts ...Read more
- Community Colleges: ‘Partners of the business community’RALEIGH – There’s no question community colleges are integral to economic development – both new and expanding businesses – in North Carolina. “Our work in economic development spans the spectrum,” NC ...Read more
- Community colleges’ multi-faceted mission“Community colleges do so many things – it’s a multi-faceted mission,” NC Community College System President Peter Hans says in the accompanying video. “When people learn the entire list, they’re ...Read more