- Universities and DEI, Part 2: What’s new?The exquisite irony in our polarized scenarios is that universities have had DEI-like entities and official statements about university commitments to civil rights laws in place for decades. The stationery ...Read more
- Universities and DEI, Part 3: Draconian options and board dutiesThe draconian hand of a central university board and the “nuclear option” of legislation or loyalty oaths or policy statements prohibiting what are, or are thought to be, inappropriate questions ...Read more
- Chapel Hill board antics catch accreditor’s eyeRALEIGH (February 8, 2023) – UNC-Chapel Hill will soon be asked to explain its Board of Trustees’ move to create a new program without consulting its faculty, the president of ...Read more
- Goldstein and Snider: How not to start a new School of Civic Life at UNC-Chapel HillBy Buck Goldstein and William Snider CHAPEL HILL (February 2, 2023) – On Jan. 26, the chairman of the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees announced plans to launch a college within ...Read more
- NC’s on a roll – but 31,000 graduates shortRALEIGH (February 6, 2023) – North Carolina’s economy is on a roll. But we’re still 31,000 graduates short of where we need to be to fill the jobs rolling into ...Read more
- Fayetteville State: Student body of the future?FAYETTEVILLE (February 1, 2023) – We’ve been hearing it for several years: Birth rates declined during the Great Recession, so we are approaching a demographic cliff and a decline in ...Read more
- FSU: ‘Be practical’ for adult learnersFAYETTEVILLE (January 25, 2023) – When you have kids and a job, just getting to school can be a challenge. And Fayetteville State University is taking steps to meet that challenge. Some ...Read more
- Too narrow a viewRALEIGH (January 25, 2022) – Some folks measure the value of higher education solely by how much its graduates make. Most of us know there’s a lot more to it. In a ...Read more
- Getting serious about early literacyRALEIGH (January 19, 2023) – For several years, state leaders have talked about improving early literacy in North Carolina through the data-based Science of Reading. But a consultant’s report to the ...Read more
- Nursing instructor shortage: Pay them.RALEIGH (November 19, 2023) – Only through “robust resource allocation” – a polite way to say money – can North Carolina produce 50% more nursing graduates by 2028 or 2029, ...Read more